My research lies within the field of industrial organization. My work focuses on durable goods and dynamic pricing, auctions and market design, demand estimation, consumer behaviour, and their implications on industry structure, competition and welfare.
I received my Msc in Economics at Bocconi University and my Ph.D. in Economics from Boston University. I am currently Lecturer in Economics and Director of the Summer School at London School of Economics, Research Fellow at the Center for Economic Policy Research and Associate Editor at International Journal of Industrial Organization.
Research fields: industrial organization, applied microeconomic theory and applied econometrics
Pasquale Schiraldi
Lecturer - Department of Economics, LSE
Research Fellow - CERP
+44 (0)20 7955 7584
Houghton Street
London - WC2A 2AE
Preferences and Performance in Simultaneous First-Price Auctions: A Structural Analysis, September 2021, with M. Gentry & T. Komarova, forthcoming at the Review of Economic Studies
Monotone Strategy Equilibria in Simultaneous Auctions, with M. Gentry, T. Komarova and W. Shin, Journal of Mathematical Economics, Vol. 85, December 2019, pp. 109-128.
Demand Estimation & Market Structure
"Identification of intertemporal preferences from choice set variation" September 2021 with M. Levy
"Identification of Dynamic Discrete-Continuous Choice Models, with an Application to Consumption-Savings-Retirement,"January 2022 with M. Levy
Omitted Budget Constraint Bias in Discrete-Choice Demand Models, September 2021, with Martin Pesendorfer and Daniel Silva-Junior, forthcoming IJIO
Heterogeneous time preferences: Evidence from the UK Mortgage Market, (with P. Bracke and M. Levy)
“Multi-category competition and market power: a model of supermarket pricing,” (with S. Seiler, H. Smith & O. Thomassen). American Economic Review, August 2017, Vol. 107 No. 8, pp. 2308-51. [ Web Appendix ]
“The Flexible Coefficient Multinomilal Logit (FC-MNL) Model of Demand for Differentiated Products,” (with P. Davis). Rand Journal of Economics, 2014, 45(1), pp. 32–63.
“Automobile Replacement: a Dynamic Structural Approach,” Rand Journal of Economics, 2011, 42(2), pp. 266-291.
Durable and Storable Goods
“Differentiated Durable Goods Monopoly: A Robust Coase Conjecture,” (with F. Nava). American Economic Review, May 2019, Vol. 109, No. 5, pp. 1930-68. [ Web Appendix ]
“Buying Frenzy in Durable Goods Markets,” (with T. Liu). [ Web Appendix ] European Economic Review, 2014, 70, pp. 1-16.
“Sales and Collusion in a Market with Storage,” (with F. Nava). [ Web Appendix ] Journal of European Economic Association, 2014, 12(3), pp. 791–832.
“Internet, Search Frictions, and the Efficiency of Decentralized Markets: Evidence from Automobiles,” (with D. Rapson). Economics Letters, 2013, 121, pp. 232-235.
“Resale and Collusion in a Dynamic Market for Semidurable Goods,” (with F. Nava). Journal of Industrial Economics, 2012, 60(2), pp. 274-298.
"Does hospital competition reduce rates of patient harm in the English NHS?", March 2019, with R. Whitehouse
"New Product Launch: herd seeking or herd preventing?,” (with T. Liu). Economic Theory, 2012, 51(3), pp. 627-648.
MSc in Economics and Management
Msc in Economics
Economics of Industry for Research Students
Ph.D. in Economics